So you're doing CSEC next year and you don't know what to expect and you don't know how to prepare. Don't worry, I've got you covered. I will share tips, tricks and the secrets to passing your CXC exams. Firstly, let's assess where you are at right now and where you need to go. Are you not understanding the material? Are you anxious? Are you scared? Do you feel very unprepared for your exams? These feelings are perfectly okay as long as you don't let them consume you. Here are some tips on how to prepare properly for your CXC exams.
I know this sounds very cliche but really and truly you do need to study. The CXC exam has 2 parts: a paper 1 and a paper 2. On the paper 2 exam you will need to write, explain and define terms etc. What will you write if your brain is completely blank? Read over your work and study with whatever study method works for you. Whether it be flashcards, reciting out loud or having a study group. Please be intentional about it. Studying is something you have to decide mentally to do.
Study Strategies-
Preparing for CXC and never seeing a past paper before is really a recipe for disaster. CXC repeats questions a lot, especially on the paper 1. When I say a lot, I mean a lot on the paper 1. Paper 2 however is a whole other ball game but the questions are usually similar every year from particular topics. For the CXC Math exam for example, it is basically the same layout every year. They just switch out the question but it's usually from the same topic as the year before.
How to prepare for your CXC Exams-
Viewing your syllabus is an important part of your CXC preparation. How do you know if your teacher is covering everything that you will need to know for the exam. When I was doing CXC sometimes the teacher would say things like, "we aren't going to finish the syllabus in time so you guys will have to review the rest" or some teachers will rush through the topics and then most of the class didn't grasp it, just to say they finished the syllabus at the end of the day. Ensure that you visit the CXC website and view your syllabus on your own. This way you can follow along with your teacher and see how far they are and where you will have to pick up the slack if your teacher won't finish in time for the exam.
View your CXC syllabus for each subject here:
How to find CXC textbooks:
If you don't understand a topic or need help with an SBA, Youtube should be your go to place. It's not just for watching pranks, mixup and drama. Youtube has hundreds of different past paper videos that were made by different teachers to help you with your exams. From English A, Mathematics, Social Studies, Biology to HSB, it's all there. Different topics explained and discussed by people like myself and teachers who actually know what they are doing.
CXC Biology/ HSB Series:
CXC Playlist:
I recommend getting a textbook. Some topics I never truly understood until I read it for myself in the textbook. Textbooks have detailed explanations, diagrams and even past paper related questions. Textbooks also have the best information. Why not learn it from the source. You can rent a textbook at your school, buy it or try to find free ones online.
Recommended Textbooks:
Tip #6 Pray
Pray about your CXC exams and give it all to God. God will never leave nor forsake you. Ask and he will give. Take your fears, anxieties, stress, pain and worry to God. Let him carry the burden. Just trust him and don't give up. Pray about your CXC exams and God will carry you through.
Tip #7 Distractions
If you are a person who considers yourself very social, this would be a good time to evaluate your friend circle. Is every one in the friend group focused and determined to pass their exams or are you the only one? During this CXC preparation period, remain focused and do not get distracted. Everything else can wait. If they are your real friends, they will share the same goals as you to do well in their exams and will understand where you are coming from when you decide to take your exam preparation serious.
Tip #8 Repetition
Studying is good but studying with repetition is great! It took me a long time to learn this but reading over a piece of information once is not least most of the time. If you don't have a photographic memory; you need repetition. Make time to go through the material more than once. Put space in between studying a particular material to see if your brain will remember it. That's what we call active learning and this is a very important part of the studying and memory process.
Overall, follow these tips and tricks and you will succeed in your CXC exams. I wish you all the best.